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Are We One Step Closer to Big Tech?

Big Tech is a very subjective term. To some, it refers specifically to the four or five major tech companies – Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple, Meta (Facebook), and, sometimes, Microsoft. Since these five companies comprise 66% of all fiber-optic cable usage around the world, and since fiber-optic cable accounts for 95% of global high-speed internet traffic, some believe that the era of Big Tech domination is already here.

In a more general sense, however, Big Tech refers to the world’s increasing reliance on technology. Between smartphones, laptop and desktop computers, AI-driven appliances, and smart factory machinery, it’s tough to image a world without so much tech. For some who were born after the 1980s, it’s literally impossible.

Whatever side you fall on, there’s no denying the increasing power that’s been put into the hands of the top five Big Tech companies. It’s an issue that’s drawing a great deal of concern from consumers and experts alike, and it’s something that’s worth a deeper investigation.

Alphabet (Google)

Although Google was founded in 1998, its parent company, Alphabet, wasn’t launched until 2015. Now, it serves an umbrella corporation for Google and all of its subsidiaries. Following the restructuring, Alphabet became the world’s third-largest tech company according to revenue. However, given the rising popularity of the Google Cloud platform, as well as a number of acquisitions, new product developments, and industry partnerships, Alphabet seems to be growing exponentially.


The world’s largest eCommerce site, Amazon first made headlines on the internet via its online book store back in 1994, and they’ve grown by leaps and bounds since then. Most recently, in 2002, Amazon launched its cloud service platform – Amazon Web Services, or AWS – which captures tens of billions of dollars in revenue every single year.

Jeff Bezos, founder and executive chairman of Amazon, also made recent news with his sub-orbital spaceflight via Blue Origin – an aerospace manufacturer that Bezos also founded. As his reach now extends beyond Earth itself, there’s no telling what Amazon might come up with next.


Originally founded in 1976, Apple is one of the oldest of the top five Big Tech companies. But don’t let that fool you – they’ve been able to stay relevant and competitive by constantly pushing the limits of what next-gen technology has to offer. The developers with Apple have come up with some of the most imaginative and useful gadgets to date, and there’s no doubt that they’ll continue to impress consumers for years to come.

Meta (Facebook)

The launch of Meta, Facebook’s new parent company, is certainly a sign of more things to come. Developers with Facebook have already unveiled the metaverse, which blends various next-gen technologies, like AI and virtual reality, to provide brand new, cutting-edge experiences for internet users around the globe.


The oldest of the top five Big Tech giants, Microsoft has made its name through its popular Windows operating system and their Office suite of word processing tools. But make no mistake, they also have their hand in cloud computing via Microsoft Azure, their cloud platform, and they’re always on the cusp of new, exciting innovations for the PC and beyond.


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