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Using Data Analytics to Complement Backup Planning

While there are many aspects of the IT industry that have experienced their own boons as of late, there are still a lot of IT professionals who are just now beginning to understand the benefits of data analytics in the 21st century. The days of compiling and reading through hundreds, if not thousands, of printed records in order to analyze and data.

Moreover, many IT professionals are now beginning to realize the advantages of using data analytics to complement their current backup strategies. Given today's emphasis on data archival and protection, as well as the explosion in the actual amount of new data that is being generated on a daily basis, there are many benefits in doing so.

Different Types of Analytics

It's important to understand that there are different types of analytics in use today. The most common forms include retrospective analytics, predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics. Enterprises that are trying to make the most of their analytics strategies will need to become familiar with these methods as well as their pertinent applications.

Retrospective analytics, as the name implies, describes the act of using past data in order to affect future operations. When applied to your current data backup protocol, retrospective analytics can be used to eliminate redundant files, remove temporary or unnecessary files from the backup queue and improve future hardware installations. Although retrospective analytics are great addition to any backup plan, this is rarely the best option available.

Predictive analytics, on the other hand, which really gained popularity during the emerging data mining trend, uses a combination of variables in combination with stored data in an attempt to forecast or predict future outcomes, behaviors and statistics. In a sense, predictive analytics takes the process of retrospective analytics one step further by automating the prediction phase.

Last but not least, prescriptive analytics is a growing trend in the field of data backup. Derived primarily from the business sector, prescriptive analytics can be used on top of an enterprise's backup plan. Just as predictive analytics is an upgrade to retrospective analytics, prescriptive analytics can be used as another level in the chain.

Not only will prescriptive analytics use your data to forecast future events, but it also tells you exactly why these actions have happened. Some prescriptive analytics systems can even offer insight into the options that are currently available.

It's important to keep in mind that there are other forms of analytics in use today. While this isn't meant to serve as an all-inclusive list of the available solutions, it does offer basic insight into some of the most common forms of data analytics. Furthermore, all of these methods can be used to complement your company's current backup plan.

The Future of Data Analytics

Even though the current niche of data analytics is just now starting to grow in exposure and popularity, it's important to remember that it's an area that is still evolving and expanding. While the future of data analytics is still anybody's guess, it's safe to assume that there is a high amount of job security in the field.


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