Database Management
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The Four Basic Structures of Database Software
Database management systems are grouped into one of four classifications: hierarchical, network, relational and object-oriented.
10 / 05 / 2013 J.R. Johnivan
Sharing Encrypted Disks Over a Network
Data storage systems, just like paper records, can be a privacy and security liability for your home or business.
12 / 02 / 2012 Patrick Leroy
Free Database Software Solutions
Highlighting some of the most popular free database software solutions available on the market today.
10 / 26 / 2013 J.R. Johnivan
Introducing the CockroachDB Cloud Service
Fronted by a team of ex-Google engineers, CockroachDB intends to pick up where Spanner left off.
07 / 30 / 2014 J.R. Johnivan
NAS Device vs. Dedicated File Server
When it comes to deciding between the two, you’ll find that there are a lot of complexities that factor into both options.
11 / 14 / 2012 Steve Grant
Introducing Google's Colossus File System
An inside look at Google's Colossus file system and how it powers their entire platform.
05 / 03 / 2021 J.R. Johnivan
AWS Introduces AQUA to Bolster Data Queries
AWS users will benefit immediately from the added speed of AQUA.
05 / 05 / 2021 J.R. Johnivan