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Frontier Enters the IT Security Market with Frontier Secure Services

Frontier Communications has long been known as one of the leading providers of telephone, broadband and video services around the nation. Expanding their business horizons, Frontier Communications has recently entered into the world of online and data security. In an attempt to bolster these efforts, the popular telecommunications company has teamed with the IT professionals at Digital Globe Services in order to strengthen customer service, client engagement and product development on behalf of Frontier Secure.

Digital Globe Services, an online marketing and advertising firm based out of Castle Rock, Colorado, was founded in 2008. Since then, they've worked with a number of medium and large-sized businesses, primarily cable providers, in order to enhance technical support capabilities, manage online advertising campaigns and increase new customer acquisition.

The recent partnership between Frontier and Digital Globe Services will have a direct impact on many other services, as well. For starters, a Frontier Secure Identity Protection service has already been established under the joint venture. Meant to protect digital customers from the ever-present threat of online identity theft, Frontier Secure Identity Protection features long-term credit monitoring, the ability to interact with professionals in the credit sector and access to investigators when needed.

Senior vice president of Frontier Secure, Kelly Morgan, explained their approach in a recent interview by saying: "Everyone is more dependent on home technology, and too often, their online experience is interrupted by damaged technology, viruses and malware that thrive in the digital wild, criminals hacking personal information, or the inability to access needed data. The offers available through our partnership with DGS are easy to use, reasonably priced and high quality. The Frontier Secure portfolio takes care of all digital needs."

Additional plans, such as the Equipment Protection Plan, can even be utilized to safeguard your hardware against technical failure or accidental damage. These can be applied to nearly any consumer electronic device, including televisions, tablets, gaming systems and peripheral devices, so consumers and businesses will be able to protect their data regardless of its storage medium.

All of these options are available in conjunction with the standard service offerings of the Frontier Secure service, which includes real-time data security, cloud-based data backup and a technical support team that is available around the clock. Combine this with Frontier's reputation within the industry, and it's easy to see why consumers and businesses alike are all flocking to the Frontier Secure service.

Mitch Hulyk, a DGS spokesperson, spoke excitedly about the recent announcement. He was quoted as saying: "People are more connected today than ever before. Recommending products and services to enhance their online experience through this valuable, well thought out portfolio focused on protection and digital activities are a huge win for everyone."

To find out more about Frontier Secure, or to sign up for any of the services offered through the company, visit their website at To find out more about Digital Globe Services, including a list of industry partnerships, established industry verticals and a comprehensive listing of available services, visit their website at


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