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Hitachi has developed glass based data storage that may be on the market by 2015.
02 / 19 / 2013 Joe Keeley
Spammers Get Compromised Due to Bad Backups
A group of email spammers have had their data compromised due to poor backups.
05 / 15 / 2017 Joe Keeley
How Hackers Used Software and Brute Force to Hack Ukrainian Power Companies
Hackers are becoming quite sophisticated, but they're not willing to give up tradition just yet.
05 / 26 / 2017 J.R. Johnivan
Windows Phone Using Vast Amounts of Data for Backup
03 / 29 / 2016 Patrick Leroy
Some analysts predict SSD revenues to more than double this year
02 / 03 / 2013 Joe Keeley
Microsoft Introduces Verifiable Confidential Cloud Computing
Microsoft introduces VC3, or Verifiable Confidential Cloud Computing - as a means of bolstering cloud-centric security.
05 / 25 / 2015 J.R. Johnivan