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Microsoft Improve Data Centre Power Efficiency
04 / 23 / 2015 Chris Connor
08 / 03 / 2014 Patrick Leroy
Dropbox Improves Security with USB Keys
02 / 18 / 2016 Patrick Leroy
Man Has Computer Chips Installed In Hands to Store Bitcoin Data
A Holland man has recently had near field communication chips implanted into his hands as a means of safeguarding his virtual Bitcoin wallet.
11 / 28 / 2014 J.R. Johnivan
Packer and OpenNebula Join Microsoft's Azure Cloud
Microsoft Azure introduces support for third-party software such as Packer and OpenNebula.
07 / 29 / 2014 J.R. Johnivan
Datos IO Is Taking On Big Data In Mobile-Centric Databases
The new IT startup is taking aim at big data processing in mobile-centric database platforms, including Cassandra.
10 / 21 / 2015 J.R. Johnivan
Can DNA Be Utilized for Long-Term Data Archival?
A Swiss team of researchers has recently developed a means of storing data within synthetic strands of DNA.
03 / 31 / 2015 J.R. Johnivan