Data Backup Digest

Do-It-Yourself Windows File Recovery Software: A Comparison

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Bringing a Burger Chain's Backup into the Modern Age

Like many large companies, Wendy's found they needed to bring their backup solution into the present day.

10 / 19 / 2019 Chris Connor

India Wants Companies to Store Data Locally

India wants companies to store data about their citizens within the country, which has proved controversial.

01 / 07 / 2020 Chris Connor

Johannesburg Data Centre Cables Stolen

The City of Johannesburg’s data centre in Braamfontein was recently the victim of a theft.

12 / 18 / 2017 Chris Connor

How to Counteract Facial Recognition Technology

With facial recognition tech making headlines around the globe, plenty of law-abiding citizens want to keep their facial data concealed from prying eyes.

08 / 08 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan

How Can the World Cope With Exabytes of Data?

The world is producing more data and the storage devices can't keep up. What is happening with exabytes of data?

04 / 01 / 2020 Chris Connor

Is Clearview AI a Threat to Consumer Privacy?

Clearview AI is a highly controversial facial recognition app that is used by hundreds of law enforcement agencies and security firms.

02 / 28 / 2020 J.R. Johnivan

Where Is Your Amazon Echo Data Located? How Can You Protect It From Hackers?

Critics of the Echo and similar devices have serious and valid concerns over the storage of their voice data.

03 / 05 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan

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Total 94 pages