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How to Backup Your Data to Blu-ray
Blu-ray is a common movie format, but you can also use the discs to backup your data. Find out how.
10 / 24 / 2018 Chris Connor
Why Some Nintendo Switch Games Don't Support Cloud Backups
Nintendo recently unveiled support for cloud backups and saves - but the service is quite limited.
10 / 04 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan
How One Hollywood Studio Recently Switched to the StorageHeaven TapeMaster Solution
Big Breakfast is embracing solutions in long-term data storage and archival from StorageHeaven.
05 / 04 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan
Google Opens Second European Data Center Amidst International Expansion
Google recently opened their 2nd data center in Europe - the first in London - to support their growing international customer base.
09 / 27 / 2017 J.R. Johnivan
The Crucial Ways to Have the Ultimate Backup Plan
Here are the five key ways that you can ensure you have the best backup plan possible.
01 / 14 / 2020 Chris Connor
Hackers Now Targeting DNA Storage
Computer scientists have already proven that it is possible to hack data that is stored on synthetic DNA.
10 / 03 / 2017 J.R. Johnivan
New Analytics Coming via Facebook Connectivity
Facebook Connectivity adds a host of new analytical tools and introduces a plethora of new, connectivity-focused initiatives.
08 / 31 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan