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More Than Half a Million Custom Records Leaked Through SVR Tracking
SVR Tracking recently exposed more than 500,000 customer records on the Internet.
11 / 09 / 2017 J.R. Johnivan
Does Social Media Content Require Moderation?
Does social media require moderation? If so, what happens to the deleted posts?
07 / 30 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan
Microsoft Opening Data Centers Across the Globe
Microsoft is expanding their global data center presence with new locations in Africa.
03 / 30 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan
Companies Begin to Limit Bandwidth Usage in U.S. and Europe
With more consumers staying at home, companies are starting to limit bandwidth usage of popular online services.
03 / 31 / 2020 J.R. Johnivan
Improved Security Won't Arrive in Time for U.S. Midterm Elections
Even after the recent fiasco with the U.S. presidential election, it seems state-specific voting systems still are't secure.
11 / 02 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan
Election Server in Georgia Totally Wiped in Face of Lawsuit
An election server at the center of a lawsuit was recently wiped clean of all its data - but a copy might still exist.
11 / 29 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan
Successful Ransomware Attack Nets Criminals $400k
A recent ransomware attack on Jackson County, Georgia netted $400k for the hackers.
03 / 30 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan