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SecureDrives Introduce Self-Erasing Drives For Increased Security

Although it may seem like it's been ripped from the plot of the latest spy movie, the concept behind the SecureDrives Autothysis128 line of SSDs is simple: the drive is designed to erase all of its data with nothing more than a simple SMS text message.

Set in the frame of an unassuming, 128 GB self-encrypting drive, complete with 256-bit AES CBC encryption as well as a dual-factor authentication protocol, the drive offers more than enough functionality for the common computer user. If you need to safeguard confidential or sensitive information, however, the drive is able to "self-destruct" and quickly erase all of its contents.

The Process

Utilizing a fully customizable SMS message, which is transmitted through a physical device that is charged via USB 2.0, the owner of a SecureDrives Autothysis128 SSD is able to quickly and efficiently erase all of the data if the drive ever becomes compromised. However, that's just the first step in securing your data from potential data thieves. To strengthen security even further, the Autothysis128t then undergoes a process that physically alters the internal NAND memory chip as well as the drive's integrated security protocol, effectively rendering these systems useless and immune to data restoration, advanced data forensics or reverse engineering.

Users of the SecureDrives Autothysis128 SSD can also configure their drive to "self-destruct" in a number of other ways. For example, one can configure their drive to begin the erasure process upon a low battery level, motion detection, removal from a system, incorrect PIN entries or even on the absence of a GSM signal. All of these options are fully customizable, allowing users to configure the drive according to their own security standards and requirements.

This functionality is controlled through an integrated GSM module, which is a popular telecommunications standard and protocol that is currently in use around the world. Over five billion consumers relied upon GSM for cellular communications in 2010, and the protocol currently commands over 90% of the mobile market share.


There are currently two separate versions of the SecureDrives Autothysis128 SSD: the Autothysis128s and the Autothysis128t. While they are on the market for consumer use, both of them carry a rather steep price tag. The majority of today's consumers are fine with standard encryption and software-based security, but those who are working with sensitive information on a regular basis, including military personnel, chief executive officers and governmental staff members, may want to consider taking the extra step with the Autothysis128.

SecureDrives' Autothysis128s, which includes an iOS or Android app that manages the entire drive, is available at a price of $1,550. The app makes it easy to control and configure the drive by those who have very little hardware knowledge.

The SecureDrives Autothysis128t has a manufacturer's suggested retail price of $1,650 and it doesn't benefit from the user-friendly interface of a smartphone app. Regardless of which version you choose, the drives include a one-year GSM subscription. The GSM service, which is required for complete functionality, will then be billed at a rate of $47 per year afterward.


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