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Using Ultrasound to Increase Storage Capacity
Researchers have found a way to use high frequency sound waves to increase the storage capacity on magnetic drives.
03 / 17 / 2013 Patrick Leroy
IBM Introduces Two New Flash-Based Storage Arrays
IBM recently unveiled the FlashSystem 900 as well as the V9000, two new, flash-based storage arrays.
03 / 31 / 2015 J.R. Johnivan
02 / 21 / 2014 Patrick Leroy
STORAGE: Introducing SanDisk's CloudSpeed Eco Gen II SATA SSD
The SanDisk CloudSpeed Eco Gen II SATA SSD is meant for cloud service providers and those who specialize in SaaS, IaaS and PaaS.
10 / 03 / 2017 J.R. Johnivan
Buying an Internal RAID Controller
07 / 17 / 2015 Cal Jones
Windows Hard Drive Power Saving Features
Windows operating systems have built in features that try and help save power consumption on the hard drive. This article will look at Windows Vista and beyond since this is where the settings became more advanced and adjustable to individual needs.
12 / 28 / 2012 Dennis Dubois