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VMware Embraces OpenStack Technology
VMware has recently decided to adopt OpenStack wit their own VMware Integrated OpenStack platform.
08 / 29 / 2015 J.R. Johnivan
How Big Data is Being Used to Fight Poverty
Big data is currently being used in order to help put an end to global poverty.
05 / 25 / 2016 J.R. Johnivan
Toshiba Buys SSD Manufacturer OCZ
04 / 04 / 2014 Chris Connor
How Benco Dental Utilizes Watson Analytics
As Benco Dental has already realized, IBM's new Watson Analytics platform has a lot to offer to enterprises of all types.
06 / 21 / 2015 J.R. Johnivan
NSA Data Centre Targeted by Greenpeace
08 / 15 / 2014 Chris Connor
Microsoft Purchases AI Startup Maluuba
Microsoft's acquisition of Maluuba is only the tech giant's latest move to further AI development.
01 / 16 / 2017 J.R. Johnivan
Did We Invent The Computer Wrong? Using "Neurons" instead of Traditional Switches
The next generation of processors might rely on a series of neurosynaptic cores to provide a level of efficiency that has yet to be experienced in IT...
02 / 03 / 2017 J.R. Johnivan