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Google Offers SSD Cloud-based Storage
07 / 08 / 2014 Patrick Leroy
Apple Invests €1.7 Billion in European Data Centres
05 / 09 / 2015 Chris Connor
SpiderOak Announces Cheap and Unlimited Storage
04 / 30 / 2014 Chris Connor
10 / 14 / 2014 Chris Connor
Avnet Expands Its Industry Presence By Expanding Veeam Distribution
Avnet is now offering Veeam-based services and functionality to customers in the U.S. and Canada.
07 / 30 / 2015 J.R. Johnivan
04 / 04 / 2013 Chris Connor
Australian Tax Office Loses 1,000 Terabytes of Data in Hardware Failure
The Australian Tax Office recently lost 1 petabyte of data, but don't worry; taxpayer information was not affected.
12 / 31 / 2016 J.R. Johnivan