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Hitachi has developed glass based data storage that may be on the market by 2015.
02 / 19 / 2013 Joe Keeley
02 / 18 / 2015 Chris Connor
What is Time Machine for the Mac?
Time Machine is one of the best options for backing up data on a Mac.
07 / 12 / 2013 David Rabinowitz
Sharing Encrypted Disks Over a Network
Data storage systems, just like paper records, can be a privacy and security liability for your home or business.
12 / 02 / 2012 Patrick Leroy
Key Features of Windows Home Server 2011
Examining some new and important features seen in Microsoft's Windows Home Server 2011.
07 / 30 / 2013 J.R. Johnivan
Is SATA 6 technology really that big of an improvement over SATA 3?
06 / 15 / 2013 J.R. Johnivan