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How Microsoft's Cortana Uses the Cloud
Microsoft unveils Cortana, which is slated for head-on competition with both Apple Siri and Google Now.
05 / 29 / 2014 J.R. Johnivan
Medical Marijuana Industry Targeted By Hackers
The medical marijuana industry is just the latest target of would-be cyber criminals.
01 / 27 / 2017 J.R. Johnivan
The Best Encryption Tools to Help Protect Your Data
04 / 28 / 2015 Chris Connor
Google Already Taking Aim at the Next Billion Internet Users
As we've surpassed 4 billion Internet users to date, Google has begun planning for the next 1 billion.
03 / 31 / 2017 J.R. Johnivan
Introducing Degoo: A Top Secret Cloud Drive
Degoo is a new cloud storage provider, but is it worth your data?
09 / 13 / 2019 Chris Connor
10 / 22 / 2013 Chris Connor
Micron Announces New and Powerful SSD
01 / 12 / 2015 Chris Connor