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How The CIA Is Using Amazon Web Services
A total of 17 intelligence agencies, including the CIA and the NSA, are currently using Amazon Web Services to meet their cloud computing needs.
08 / 31 / 2014 J.R. Johnivan
Microsoft Takes on The Niche of ARM Servers
While Microsoft has toyed with the ARM architecture for quite some time, it seems they've finally made a commitment.
03 / 31 / 2015 J.R. Johnivan
Will Ferrimagnet Technology Replace RAM?
While some see synthetic ferrimagnets as the way of the future, others in the IT industry remain skeptical.
09 / 30 / 2015 J.R. Johnivan
Where is Storage Heading in 2016?
04 / 04 / 2016 Chris Connor
Google Expands Presence in South Carolina with New Data Center Functionality
Google has introduced new functionality meant to bolster cloud services and accessibility throughout the East Coast of the U.S.
10 / 15 / 2015 J.R. Johnivan
HP Aiming for 100TB Smartphones
07 / 11 / 2014 Patrick Leroy
Druva Establishes Guidelines for Cloud Privacy
Druva recently unveiled their plans at a standardized cloud data privacy framework.
03 / 30 / 2015 J.R. Johnivan