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Is Intergalactic Storage a Future Possibility?
We might be storing our data in space much sooner than you think.
11 / 08 / 2017 Chris Connor
Driverless Cars Prove Problematic for Storage
Driverless cars are certainly our near future, but what happens to all that data they produce?
03 / 02 / 2018 Chris Connor
Introduction to the Quantum Internet
The quantum Internet is approaching, and it might be closer than you realize...
08 / 31 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan
Google and Iguazio Introduce Retail Inventory Tracking System
Google joins forces with Iguazio and Trax for a brand new retail inventory control platform.
01 / 16 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan
Examining Azure and its Blockchain Functionality
Although it's been a long time in the making, Azure's blockchain implementation is starting to come around.
11 / 08 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan
An Early Look at 5G Technology
Taking an early glance at the next generation in mobile technology.
03 / 30 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan
RapidScale Joins Veeam for Greater Backup and Protection
RapidScale has recently chosen Veeam as their partner in data backup and protection.
09 / 29 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan