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How Alibaba Is Pursuing Advancements in AI and Machine Learning
Alibaba made numerous advancements in AI and machine learning in 2017 -- and the developments will continue in 2018 and beyond.
01 / 31 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan
Facebook to Embrace Blockchain Technology
Zuckerberg and his team plan to enter the world of blockchain - but it's unclear how.
05 / 31 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan
Pioneering the First Biometric Database in the U.S.
The teams at SureID and Robbie.AI are partnering up to establish the first biometrics database in the U.S. - but its not without controversy.
11 / 29 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan
Using 150 TB of High-Res Imagery To Create The Most Detailed Map of Antarctica
Antarctica went from being the most mysterious land mass on the planet to the most well-mapped continent on Earth - and it's all thanks to next-gen technology.
10 / 04 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan
AI-Powered Heist Nets Hackers More Than $240,000
Hackers recently used a deepfake voice to steal more than $240,000 USD - and they haven't been caught.
11 / 30 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan
Apple Blocks the Posting of iPhone Encryption Key on Twitter
The encryption capabilities of the Apple iPhone have faced a lot of scrutiny in the past few years.
12 / 30 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan
Microsoft Philanthropies to Provide $1 Billion in Cloud Funding
The team with Microsoft Philanthropies recently pledged $1 billion in new cloud funding, and they've already delivered on half of that total.
06 / 30 / 2017 J.R. Johnivan