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Election Server in Georgia Totally Wiped in Face of Lawsuit
An election server at the center of a lawsuit was recently wiped clean of all its data - but a copy might still exist.
11 / 29 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan
Tim Cook Reassures About China's Data Storage
Tim Cook tries to reassure Apple customers over China's data storage policies.
10 / 26 / 2018 Chris Connor
Improved Security Won't Arrive in Time for U.S. Midterm Elections
Even after the recent fiasco with the U.S. presidential election, it seems state-specific voting systems still are't secure.
11 / 02 / 2018 J.R. Johnivan
Successful Ransomware Attack Nets Criminals $400k
A recent ransomware attack on Jackson County, Georgia netted $400k for the hackers.
03 / 30 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan
Microsoft Opening Data Centers Across the Globe
Microsoft is expanding their global data center presence with new locations in Africa.
03 / 30 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan
NSA Destroyed Data Needed for Court
The National Security Agency have found themselves in hot water after destroying data needed for a court case.
02 / 11 / 2018 Chris Connor
China Government Wants to "Seize The Opportunity" for Blockchain Technology
China is trying to embrace cryptocurrency and seize the opportunity for new developments in blockchain technology.
11 / 29 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan