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How Network Rail Plans to Preserve its Digital Data
The UK's Network Rail has huge amounts of archival data that it is now turning digital.
01 / 28 / 2020 Chris Connor
Do Police Need a Warrant to Access Your Car's GPS Data?
Do law enforcement officials have the right to access your car's GPS data without a search warrant?
06 / 27 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan
Common Challenges with Container-Based Storage
Containers might be the way of the future, but they're not without some unique challenges to overcome.
04 / 02 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan
Operator of Self-Driving Car Held Responsible in Pedestrian Death
Uber's self-driving cars aren't quite safe enough for the general public - yet.
11 / 30 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan
Successful Ransomware Attack Nets Criminals $400k
A recent ransomware attack on Jackson County, Georgia netted $400k for the hackers.
03 / 30 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan
Using the Cloud to Hasten Drug Research and Discovery
Some of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies are embracing the cloud for drug research, discovery, and more.
07 / 31 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan
We're Facing a Potential Data Crisis in the Near Future
Data scientists are warning of a potential data crisis - is blockchain the answer?
02 / 26 / 2019 J.R. Johnivan