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An Overview of Netflix's Data Storage Solution
08 / 02 / 2014 Patrick Leroy
Spectra Logic's Exascale Tape Storage System Takes Aim at Big Data
Spectra Logic's new tape-based storage system features an exabyte of storage in a single unit and tons of unique features.
05 / 08 / 2016 J.R. Johnivan
Alliance Scale Introduces Fork Lift Scale Capable of Storing User Data
Introducing a fork lift scale that is able to store and even transmit real-time data via integrated WI-FI technology.
03 / 26 / 2014 J.R. Johnivan
Why Fujitsu Cluster-in-a-Box is Great For All Your Storage Needs
An article asking what's so great about this new Fujitsu range, and what it can save money on.
03 / 01 / 2015 Josh Billitt
DFS stands for a distributed file system. It is a file system that allows multiple hosts sharing via a computer network to access files.
01 / 22 / 2013 Chris Connor
Examining the Software-Defined Data Center of the 21st Century
Some further insight into the concepts behind software-defined data centers of today.
08 / 25 / 2015 J.R. Johnivan
An Overview of the Panzura Global File System
Some insight into Panzura's Global File System as well as the company that is behind the innovation.
05 / 14 / 2016 J.R. Johnivan